![]() |
Generic byte-streams. More...
Typedefs | |
typedef struct svn_stream_t | svn_stream_t |
An abstract stream of bytes–either incoming or outgoing or both. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_read_fn_t) (void *baton, char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) |
Read handler function for a generic stream. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_stream_skip_fn_t) (void *baton, apr_size_t len) |
Skip data handler function for a generic stream. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_write_fn_t) (void *baton, const char *data, apr_size_t *len) |
Write handler function for a generic stream. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_close_fn_t) (void *baton) |
Close handler function for a generic stream. More... | |
typedef struct svn_stream_mark_t | svn_stream_mark_t |
An opaque type which represents a mark on a stream. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_stream_mark_fn_t) (void *baton, svn_stream_mark_t **mark, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Mark handler function for a generic stream. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_stream_seek_fn_t) (void *baton, const svn_stream_mark_t *mark) |
Seek handler function for a generic stream. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_stream_data_available_fn_t) (void *baton, svn_boolean_t *data_available) |
Poll handler for generic streams that support incomplete reads,. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_stream_readline_fn_t) (void *baton, svn_stringbuf_t **stringbuf, const char *eol, svn_boolean_t *eof, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Readline handler function for a generic stream. More... | |
typedef svn_error_t *(* | svn_stream_lazyopen_func_t) (svn_stream_t **stream, void *baton, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) |
A function type provided for use as a callback from svn_stream_lazyopen_create() . More... | |
Functions | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_create (void *baton, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Create a generic stream. More... | |
void | svn_stream_set_baton (svn_stream_t *stream, void *baton) |
Set stream's baton to baton. | |
void | svn_stream_set_read2 (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_read_fn_t read_fn, svn_read_fn_t read_full_fn) |
Set stream's read functions to read_fn and read_full_fn. More... | |
void | svn_stream_set_read (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_read_fn_t read_fn) |
Set stream's read function to read_fn. More... | |
void | svn_stream_set_skip (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_stream_skip_fn_t skip_fn) |
Set stream's skip function to skip_fn. More... | |
void | svn_stream_set_write (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_write_fn_t write_fn) |
Set stream's write function to write_fn. | |
void | svn_stream_set_close (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_close_fn_t close_fn) |
Set stream's close function to close_fn. | |
void | svn_stream_set_mark (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_stream_mark_fn_t mark_fn) |
Set stream's mark function to mark_fn. More... | |
void | svn_stream_set_seek (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_stream_seek_fn_t seek_fn) |
Set stream's seek function to seek_fn. More... | |
void | svn_stream_set_data_available (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_stream_data_available_fn_t data_available) |
Set stream's data available function to data_available_fn. More... | |
void | svn_stream_set_readline (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_stream_readline_fn_t readline_fn) |
Set stream's readline function to readline_fn. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_empty (apr_pool_t *pool) |
Create a stream that is empty for reading and infinite for writing. | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_disown (svn_stream_t *stream, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Return a stream allocated in pool which forwards all requests to stream. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_open_readonly (svn_stream_t **stream, const char *path, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) |
Create a stream to read the file at path. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_open_writable (svn_stream_t **stream, const char *path, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) |
Create a stream to write a file at path. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_open_unique (svn_stream_t **stream, const char **temp_path, const char *dirpath, svn_io_file_del_t delete_when, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) |
Create a writable stream to a file in the directory dirpath. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_from_aprfile2 (apr_file_t *file, svn_boolean_t disown, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Create a stream from an APR file. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_from_aprfile (apr_file_t *file, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Similar to svn_stream_from_aprfile2(), except that the file will always be disowned. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_for_stdin2 (svn_stream_t **in, svn_boolean_t buffered, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Set *in to a generic stream connected to stdin, allocated in pool. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_for_stdin (svn_stream_t **in, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Similar to svn_stream_for_stdin2(), but with buffering being disabled. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_for_stderr (svn_stream_t **err, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Set *err to a generic stream connected to stderr, allocated in pool. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_for_stdout (svn_stream_t **out, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Set *out to a generic stream connected to stdout, allocated in pool. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stringbuf_from_stream (svn_stringbuf_t **result, svn_stream_t *stream, apr_size_t len_hint, apr_pool_t *result_pool) |
Read the contents of stream into memory, from its current position to its end, returning the data in *result. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_from_stringbuf (svn_stringbuf_t *str, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Return a generic stream connected to stringbuf str. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_from_string (const svn_string_t *str, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Return a generic read-only stream connected to string str. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_buffered (apr_pool_t *result_pool) |
Return a generic stream which implements buffered reads and writes. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_compressed (svn_stream_t *stream, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Return a stream that decompresses all data read and compresses all data written. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_checksummed2 (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_checksum_t **read_checksum, svn_checksum_t **write_checksum, svn_checksum_kind_t checksum_kind, svn_boolean_t read_all, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Return a stream that calculates checksums for all data read and written. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_checksummed (svn_stream_t *stream, const unsigned char **read_digest, const unsigned char **write_digest, svn_boolean_t read_all, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Similar to svn_stream_checksummed2(), but always returning the MD5 checksum in read_digest and write_digest. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_contents_checksum (svn_checksum_t **checksum, svn_stream_t *stream, svn_checksum_kind_t kind, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) |
Read the contents of the readable stream stream and return its checksum of type kind in *checksum. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_read_full (svn_stream_t *stream, char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) |
Read from a generic stream until buffer is filled upto *len or until EOF is reached. More... | |
svn_boolean_t | svn_stream_supports_partial_read (svn_stream_t *stream) |
Returns TRUE if the generic stream supports svn_stream_read2(). More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_read2 (svn_stream_t *stream, char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) |
Read all currently available upto *len into buffer. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_read (svn_stream_t *stream, char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) |
Read from a generic stream until the buffer is completely filled or EOF. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_skip (svn_stream_t *stream, apr_size_t len) |
Skip len bytes from a generic stream. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_write (svn_stream_t *stream, const char *data, apr_size_t *len) |
Write to a generic stream. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_close (svn_stream_t *stream) |
Close a generic stream. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_reset (svn_stream_t *stream) |
Reset a generic stream back to its origin. More... | |
svn_boolean_t | svn_stream_supports_mark (svn_stream_t *stream) |
Returns TRUE if the generic stream supports svn_stream_mark(). More... | |
svn_boolean_t | svn_stream_supports_reset (svn_stream_t *stream) |
Returns TRUE if the generic stream supports svn_stream_reset(). More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_mark (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_stream_mark_t **mark, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Set a mark at the current position of a generic stream, which can later be sought back to using svn_stream_seek(). More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_seek (svn_stream_t *stream, const svn_stream_mark_t *mark) |
Seek to a mark in a generic stream. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_data_available (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_boolean_t *data_available) |
When a stream supports polling for available data, obtain a boolean indicating whether data is waiting to be read. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_tee (svn_stream_t *out1, svn_stream_t *out2, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Return a writable stream which, when written to, writes to both of the underlying streams. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_puts (svn_stream_t *stream, const char *str) |
Write NULL-terminated string str to stream. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_printf (svn_stream_t *stream, apr_pool_t *pool, const char *fmt,...) |
Write to stream using a printf-style fmt specifier, passed through apr_psprintf() using memory from pool. | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_printf_from_utf8 (svn_stream_t *stream, const char *encoding, apr_pool_t *pool, const char *fmt,...) |
Write to stream using a printf-style fmt specifier, passed through apr_psprintf() using memory from pool. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_readline (svn_stream_t *stream, svn_stringbuf_t **stringbuf, const char *eol, svn_boolean_t *eof, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Allocate *stringbuf in pool, and read into it one line (terminated by eol) from stream. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_copy3 (svn_stream_t *from, svn_stream_t *to, svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func, void *cancel_baton, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Read the contents of the readable stream from and write them to the writable stream to calling cancel_func before copying each chunk. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_copy2 (svn_stream_t *from, svn_stream_t *to, svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func, void *cancel_baton, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Same as svn_stream_copy3() but the streams are not closed. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_copy (svn_stream_t *from, svn_stream_t *to, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Same as svn_stream_copy3(), but without the cancellation function or stream closing. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_contents_same2 (svn_boolean_t *same, svn_stream_t *stream1, svn_stream_t *stream2, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Set *same to TRUE if stream1 and stream2 have the same contents, else set it to FALSE. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_stream_contents_same (svn_boolean_t *same, svn_stream_t *stream1, svn_stream_t *stream2, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Same as svn_stream_contents_same2(), but the streams will not be closed. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_string_from_stream2 (svn_string_t **result, svn_stream_t *stream, apr_size_t len_hint, apr_pool_t *result_pool) |
Read the contents of stream into memory, from its current position to its end, returning the data in *result. More... | |
svn_error_t * | svn_string_from_stream (svn_string_t **result, svn_stream_t *stream, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) |
Similar to svn_string_from_stream2(), but always passes 0 for len_hint. More... | |
svn_stream_t * | svn_stream_lazyopen_create (svn_stream_lazyopen_func_t open_func, void *open_baton, svn_boolean_t open_on_close, apr_pool_t *result_pool) |
Return a generic stream which wraps another primary stream, delaying the "opening" of that stream until the first time the returned stream is accessed. More... | |
Generic byte-streams.
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_close_fn_t) (void *baton) |
Close handler function for a generic stream.
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_read_fn_t) (void *baton, char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) |
Read handler function for a generic stream.
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_stream_data_available_fn_t) (void *baton, svn_boolean_t *data_available) |
Poll handler for generic streams that support incomplete reads,.
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_stream_lazyopen_func_t) (svn_stream_t **stream, void *baton, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) |
A function type provided for use as a callback from svn_stream_lazyopen_create()
The callback function shall open a new stream and set *stream to the stream object, allocated in result_pool. baton is the callback baton that was passed to svn_stream_lazyopen_create().
result_pool is the result pool that was passed to svn_stream_lazyopen_create(). The callback function may use scratch_pool for temporary allocations; the caller may clear or destroy scratch_pool any time after the function returns.
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_stream_mark_fn_t) (void *baton, svn_stream_mark_t **mark, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Mark handler function for a generic stream.
typedef struct svn_stream_mark_t svn_stream_mark_t |
An opaque type which represents a mark on a stream.
There is no concrete definition of this type, it is a named type for stream implementation specific baton pointers.
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_stream_readline_fn_t) (void *baton, svn_stringbuf_t **stringbuf, const char *eol, svn_boolean_t *eof, apr_pool_t *pool) |
Readline handler function for a generic stream.
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_stream_seek_fn_t) (void *baton, const svn_stream_mark_t *mark) |
Seek handler function for a generic stream.
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_stream_skip_fn_t) (void *baton, apr_size_t len) |
Skip data handler function for a generic stream.
typedef struct svn_stream_t svn_stream_t |
An abstract stream of bytes–either incoming or outgoing or both.
The creator of a stream sets functions to handle read and write. Both of these handlers accept a baton whose value is determined at stream creation time; this baton can point to a structure containing data associated with the stream. If a caller attempts to invoke a handler which has not been set, it will generate a runtime assertion failure. The creator can also set a handler for close requests so that it can flush buffered data or whatever; if a close handler is not specified, a close request on the stream will simply be ignored. Note that svn_stream_close() does not deallocate the memory used to allocate the stream structure; free the pool you created the stream in to free that memory.
The read and write handlers accept length arguments via pointer. On entry to the handler, the pointed-to value should be the amount of data which can be read or the amount of data to write. When the handler returns, the value is reset to the amount of data actually read or written. The write and full read handler are obliged to complete a read or write to the maximum extent possible; thus, a short read with no associated error implies the end of the input stream, and a short write should never occur without an associated error. In Subversion 1.9 the stream api was extended to also support limited reads via the new svn_stream_read2() api.
In Subversion 1.7 mark, seek and reset support was added as an optional feature of streams. If a stream implements resetting it allows reading the data again after a successful call to svn_stream_reset().
typedef svn_error_t*(* svn_write_fn_t) (void *baton, const char *data, apr_size_t *len) |
Write handler function for a generic stream.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_buffered | ( | apr_pool_t * | result_pool | ) |
Return a generic stream which implements buffered reads and writes.
The stream will preferentially store data in-memory, but may use disk storage as backup if the amount of data is large. Allocate the stream in result_pool
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_checksummed | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
const unsigned char ** | read_digest, | ||
const unsigned char ** | write_digest, | ||
svn_boolean_t | read_all, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Similar to svn_stream_checksummed2(), but always returning the MD5 checksum in read_digest and write_digest.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_checksummed2 | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_checksum_t ** | read_checksum, | ||
svn_checksum_t ** | write_checksum, | ||
svn_checksum_kind_t | checksum_kind, | ||
svn_boolean_t | read_all, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Return a stream that calculates checksums for all data read and written.
The stream stream is used to read and write all data. The stream and the resulting digests are allocated in pool.
When the stream is closed, *read_checksum and *write_checksum are set to point to the resulting checksums, of type read_checksum_kind and write_checksum_kind, respectively.
Both read_checksum and write_checksum can be NULL
, in which case the respective checksum isn't calculated.
If read_all is TRUE, make sure that all data available on stream is read (and checksummed) when the stream is closed.
Read and write operations can be mixed without interfering.
The stream passed into this function is closed when the created stream is closed.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_close | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream | ) |
Close a generic stream.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_compressed | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Return a stream that decompresses all data read and compresses all data written.
The stream stream is used to read and write all compressed data. All compression data structures are allocated on pool. If compression support is not compiled in then svn_stream_compressed() returns stream unmodified. Make sure you call svn_stream_close() on the stream returned by this function, so that all data are flushed and cleaned up.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_contents_checksum | ( | svn_checksum_t ** | checksum, |
svn_stream_t * | stream, | ||
svn_checksum_kind_t | kind, | ||
apr_pool_t * | result_pool, | ||
apr_pool_t * | scratch_pool | ||
) |
Read the contents of the readable stream stream and return its checksum of type kind in *checksum.
The stream will be closed before this function returns (regardless of the result, or any possible error).
Use scratch_pool for temporary allocations and result_pool to allocate *checksum.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_contents_same | ( | svn_boolean_t * | same, |
svn_stream_t * | stream1, | ||
svn_stream_t * | stream2, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Same as svn_stream_contents_same2(), but the streams will not be closed.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_contents_same2 | ( | svn_boolean_t * | same, |
svn_stream_t * | stream1, | ||
svn_stream_t * | stream2, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Set *same to TRUE if stream1 and stream2 have the same contents, else set it to FALSE.
Both streams will be closed before this function returns (regardless of the result, or any possible error).
Use scratch_pool for temporary allocations.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_copy | ( | svn_stream_t * | from, |
svn_stream_t * | to, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Same as svn_stream_copy3(), but without the cancellation function or stream closing.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_copy2 | ( | svn_stream_t * | from, |
svn_stream_t * | to, | ||
svn_cancel_func_t | cancel_func, | ||
void * | cancel_baton, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Same as svn_stream_copy3() but the streams are not closed.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_copy3 | ( | svn_stream_t * | from, |
svn_stream_t * | to, | ||
svn_cancel_func_t | cancel_func, | ||
void * | cancel_baton, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Read the contents of the readable stream from and write them to the writable stream to calling cancel_func before copying each chunk.
cancel_func may be NULL
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_create | ( | void * | baton, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Create a generic stream.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_data_available | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_boolean_t * | data_available | ||
) |
When a stream supports polling for available data, obtain a boolean indicating whether data is waiting to be read.
If the stream doesn't support polling this function returns a SVN_ERR_STREAM_NOT_SUPPORTED error.
If the data_available callback is implemented and the stream is at the end the stream will set *data_available to FALSE.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_disown | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Return a stream allocated in pool which forwards all requests to stream.
Destruction is explicitly excluded from forwarding.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_for_stderr | ( | svn_stream_t ** | err, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Set *err to a generic stream connected to stderr, allocated in pool.
The stream and its underlying APR handle will be closed when pool is cleared or destroyed.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_for_stdin | ( | svn_stream_t ** | in, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Similar to svn_stream_for_stdin2(), but with buffering being disabled.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_for_stdin2 | ( | svn_stream_t ** | in, |
svn_boolean_t | buffered, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Set *in to a generic stream connected to stdin, allocated in pool.
If buffered is set, APR buffering will be enabled. The stream and its underlying APR handle will be closed when pool is cleared or destroyed.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_for_stdout | ( | svn_stream_t ** | out, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Set *out to a generic stream connected to stdout, allocated in pool.
The stream and its underlying APR handle will be closed when pool is cleared or destroyed.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_from_aprfile | ( | apr_file_t * | file, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Similar to svn_stream_from_aprfile2(), except that the file will always be disowned.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_from_aprfile2 | ( | apr_file_t * | file, |
svn_boolean_t | disown, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Create a stream from an APR file.
For convenience, if file is NULL
, an empty stream created by svn_stream_empty() is returned.
This function should normally be called with disown set to FALSE, in which case closing the stream will also close the underlying file.
If disown is TRUE, the stream will disown the underlying file, meaning that svn_stream_close() will not close the file.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_from_string | ( | const svn_string_t * | str, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Return a generic read-only stream connected to string str.
Allocate the stream in pool.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_from_stringbuf | ( | svn_stringbuf_t * | str, |
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Return a generic stream connected to stringbuf str.
Allocate the stream in pool.
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_lazyopen_create | ( | svn_stream_lazyopen_func_t | open_func, |
void * | open_baton, | ||
svn_boolean_t | open_on_close, | ||
apr_pool_t * | result_pool | ||
) |
Return a generic stream which wraps another primary stream, delaying the "opening" of that stream until the first time the returned stream is accessed.
open_func and open_baton are a callback function/baton pair which will be invoked upon the first access of the returned stream (read, write, mark, seek, skip, or possibly close). The callback shall open the primary stream.
If the only "access" the returned stream gets is to close it then open_func will only be called if open_on_close is TRUE.
Allocate the returned stream in result_pool. Also arrange for result_pool to be passed as the result_pool
parameter to open_func when it is called.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_mark | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_stream_mark_t ** | mark, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Set a mark at the current position of a generic stream, which can later be sought back to using svn_stream_seek().
The mark is allocated in pool.
This function returns the SVN_ERR_STREAM_SEEK_NOT_SUPPORTED error if the stream doesn't implement seeking.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_open_readonly | ( | svn_stream_t ** | stream, |
const char * | path, | ||
apr_pool_t * | result_pool, | ||
apr_pool_t * | scratch_pool | ||
) |
Create a stream to read the file at path.
It will be opened using the APR_BUFFERED and APR_BINARY flag, and APR_OS_DEFAULT for the perms. If you'd like to use different values, then open the file yourself, and use the svn_stream_from_aprfile2() interface.
The stream will be returned in stream, and allocated from result_pool. Temporary allocations will be performed in scratch_pool.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_open_unique | ( | svn_stream_t ** | stream, |
const char ** | temp_path, | ||
const char * | dirpath, | ||
svn_io_file_del_t | delete_when, | ||
apr_pool_t * | result_pool, | ||
apr_pool_t * | scratch_pool | ||
) |
Create a writable stream to a file in the directory dirpath.
The file will have an arbitrary and unique name, and the full path will be returned in temp_path. The stream will be returned in stream. Both will be allocated from result_pool.
If dirpath is NULL
, use the path returned from svn_io_temp_dir(). (Note that when using the system-provided temp directory, it may not be possible to atomically rename the resulting file due to cross-device issues.)
The file will be deleted according to delete_when. If that is svn_io_file_del_on_pool_cleanup, it refers to result_pool.
Temporary allocations will be performed in scratch_pool.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_open_writable | ( | svn_stream_t ** | stream, |
const char * | path, | ||
apr_pool_t * | result_pool, | ||
apr_pool_t * | scratch_pool | ||
) |
Create a stream to write a file at path.
The file will be created using the APR_BUFFERED and APR_BINARY flag, and APR_OS_DEFAULT for the perms. The file will be created "exclusively", so if it already exists, then an error will be thrown. If you'd like to use different values, or open an existing file, then open the file yourself, and use the svn_stream_from_aprfile2() interface.
The stream will be returned in stream, and allocated from result_pool. Temporary allocations will be performed in scratch_pool.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_printf_from_utf8 | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
const char * | encoding, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool, | ||
const char * | fmt, | ||
... | |||
) |
Write to stream using a printf-style fmt specifier, passed through apr_psprintf() using memory from pool.
The resulting string will be translated to encoding before it is sent to stream.
to translate to the encoding of the current locale.svn_error_t* svn_stream_puts | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
const char * | str | ||
) |
Write NULL-terminated string str to stream.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_read | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
char * | buffer, | ||
apr_size_t * | len | ||
) |
Read from a generic stream until the buffer is completely filled or EOF.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_read2 | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
char * | buffer, | ||
apr_size_t * | len | ||
) |
Read all currently available upto *len into buffer.
Use svn_stream_read_full() if you want to wait for the buffer to be filled or EOF. If the stream doesn't support limited reads this function will return an SVN_ERR_STREAM_NOT_SUPPORTED error.
A 0 byte read signals the end of the stream.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_read_full | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
char * | buffer, | ||
apr_size_t * | len | ||
) |
Read from a generic stream until buffer is filled upto *len or until EOF is reached.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_readline | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_stringbuf_t ** | stringbuf, | ||
const char * | eol, | ||
svn_boolean_t * | eof, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Allocate *stringbuf in pool, and read into it one line (terminated by eol) from stream.
The line-terminator is read from the stream, but is not added to the end of the stringbuf. Instead, the stringbuf ends with a usual '\0'.
If stream runs out of bytes before encountering a line-terminator, then set *eof to TRUE
, otherwise set *eof to FALSE.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_reset | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream | ) |
Reset a generic stream back to its origin.
(E.g. On a file this would be implemented as a seek to position 0). This function returns a SVN_ERR_STREAM_SEEK_NOT_SUPPORTED error when the stream doesn't implement resetting.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_seek | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
const svn_stream_mark_t * | mark | ||
) |
Seek to a mark in a generic stream.
This function returns the SVN_ERR_STREAM_SEEK_NOT_SUPPORTED error if the stream doesn't implement seeking. Passing NULL as mark, seeks to the start of the stream.
void svn_stream_set_data_available | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_stream_data_available_fn_t | data_available | ||
) |
Set stream's data available function to data_available_fn.
void svn_stream_set_mark | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_stream_mark_fn_t | mark_fn | ||
) |
Set stream's mark function to mark_fn.
void svn_stream_set_read | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_read_fn_t | read_fn | ||
) |
Set stream's read function to read_fn.
This function sets only the full read function to read_fn.
void svn_stream_set_read2 | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_read_fn_t | read_fn, | ||
svn_read_fn_t | read_full_fn | ||
) |
Set stream's read functions to read_fn and read_full_fn.
If read_full_fn is NULL a default implementation based on multiple calls to read_fn will be used.
void svn_stream_set_readline | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_stream_readline_fn_t | readline_fn | ||
) |
Set stream's readline function to readline_fn.
void svn_stream_set_seek | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_stream_seek_fn_t | seek_fn | ||
) |
Set stream's seek function to seek_fn.
void svn_stream_set_skip | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
svn_stream_skip_fn_t | skip_fn | ||
) |
Set stream's skip function to skip_fn.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_skip | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
apr_size_t | len | ||
) |
Skip len bytes from a generic stream.
If the stream is exhausted before len bytes have been read, return an error.
svn_boolean_t svn_stream_supports_mark | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream | ) |
Returns TRUE
if the generic stream supports svn_stream_mark().
svn_boolean_t svn_stream_supports_partial_read | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream | ) |
Returns TRUE
if the generic stream
supports svn_stream_read2().
svn_boolean_t svn_stream_supports_reset | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream | ) |
Returns TRUE
if the generic stream supports svn_stream_reset().
svn_stream_t* svn_stream_tee | ( | svn_stream_t * | out1, |
svn_stream_t * | out2, | ||
apr_pool_t * | pool | ||
) |
Return a writable stream which, when written to, writes to both of the underlying streams.
Both of these streams will be closed upon closure of the returned stream; use svn_stream_disown() if this is not the desired behavior. One or both of out1 and out2 may be NULL
. If both are NULL
is returned.
svn_error_t* svn_stream_write | ( | svn_stream_t * | stream, |
const char * | data, | ||
apr_size_t * | len | ||
) |
Write to a generic stream.
svn_error_t* svn_string_from_stream | ( | svn_string_t ** | result, |
svn_stream_t * | stream, | ||
apr_pool_t * | result_pool, | ||
apr_pool_t * | scratch_pool | ||
) |
Similar to svn_string_from_stream2(), but always passes 0 for len_hint.
svn_error_t* svn_string_from_stream2 | ( | svn_string_t ** | result, |
svn_stream_t * | stream, | ||
apr_size_t | len_hint, | ||
apr_pool_t * | result_pool | ||
) |
Read the contents of stream into memory, from its current position to its end, returning the data in *result.
The stream will be closed when it has been successfully and completely read.
len_hint gives a hint about the expected length, in bytes, of the actual data that will be read from the stream. It may be 0, meaning no hint is being provided. Efficiency in time and/or in space may be better (and in general will not be worse) when the actual data length is equal or approximately equal to the length hint.
The returned memory is allocated in result_pool, and any temporary allocations may be performed in scratch_pool.
svn_error_t* svn_stringbuf_from_stream | ( | svn_stringbuf_t ** | result, |
svn_stream_t * | stream, | ||
apr_size_t | len_hint, | ||
apr_pool_t * | result_pool | ||
) |
Read the contents of stream into memory, from its current position to its end, returning the data in *result.
This function does not close the stream upon completion.
len_hint gives a hint about the expected length, in bytes, of the actual data that will be read from the stream. It may be 0, meaning no hint is being provided. Efficiency in time and/or in space may be better (and in general will not be worse) when the actual data length is equal or approximately equal to the length hint.
The returned memory is allocated in result_pool.